Yugi-higashi Labo of Ku-chu-sen (wire in the sky=antenna)
This page also serves as the page for JQ1YLK ( Yugi-higashi Residents’ Council Amateur Radio Club, to which the site owner belongs)
In amateur radio, the “antenna” is an important device that acts as the entrance and exit point for radio waves. There are various antenna products available, but without enough plot of land or a tall antenna tower, what can we do?
In Yugi-higashi area of Tama New Town, such people are in the majority. I’ve been racking my brains day and night (?) trying to find a way to put up an antenna that will work as well as possible in a tiny space, such as a balcony or a private garden in an apartment complex.
NOTE: Sorry! The following English pages are under construction!!
# | Topic (mostly antenna..) |
Date | Contents |
21 | +14db Project | 2024. 4 | “Gaining +14dB from balcony? Kidding!” No, no… it’s not like that… |
20 | My first MSHV | 2023. 12 | FT8 for DX-vacationers |
19 | Sharing club e-log | 2023. 10 | Managing club station ham logs on the cloud |
18 | Headphone divider | 2023. 3 | Real voice QRM in the clubroom(?) |
17 | Mobile desktop | 2022. 5 | How do you put your equipments in-vehicle? |
16 | Satellite slide rule | 2022. 4 | Calculate Satellite freq. including Doppler |
15 | Mods antenna to lowband(JP) | 2022. 1 | Insert bigger center-loading coil in fishing rod |
14 | Mobile “Hentena” for 6m | 2022. 1 | Tranklid mobile antenna… but immobile! |
13 | Exit Polls of Radio Wave | 2021.12 | Simple is the best. |
12 | Vinyl pipe rotator for SAT | 2021.10 | The heresy of PVC pipes is the orthodox of ham radio. |
11 | L’Hotel des Invalides | 2021. 9 | Even if cut from the team, with a little ingenuity we can create an opportunity to shine. |
10 | Troubleshooting of FB cable | 2021. 8 | Poorly done soldering… |
9 | HF multiband small-loop | 2021. 8 | combination with retired antenna tuner |
8 | Temporary retirement of ATU | 2021. 8 | Due to COVID-19, our club’s antenna tuner had been took down after 2 year’s low activities. |
7 | Kitchen timer cross-yagi | 2021. 7 | A loose beam 2 element cross yagi antenna tracks satellites without a rotator |
6 | Dual Antenna System for Satellite(GP+Turnstile) | 2021. 5 | Two turnstiles and two GP antennas crossed for pseudo satellite tracking |
5 | 430MHz HB9CV Quad | 2021. 1 | I once made a stack out of all copper, but this one is lighter on its own. |
4 | 1200MHz 13 ele. Loop | 2020.10 | A “Bug-free” antenna…. |
3 | 144MHz QFH antenna | 2020.10 | A “Barber shop sign” antenna |
2 | HF multiband delta loop | 2017.11 | Avoid odd multiples of half wavelengths(?) |
1 | 430MHz Hentena (2 types) | 2008. 3 | DIY workshop of our ham club |