Temporary retirement of ATU

In preparation for the typhoon approach, the delta loop was removed as a tuner maintenance of the rooftop antenna that had no opportunity to use it at the stay home. (The photo is explained when you hold the mouse cursor)









The late Yamatani legacy was alive. I thought it was IC7700 because there were many buttons, but it was IC7600. I forgot because I hadn’t been to see it for a while.

By the way, the Tokyo Olympics are over, and the summer vacation of the stay home. First, perform an internal inspection and overhaul of the antenna tuner.

The inside of the ground side terminal (butterfly nut) and some had salt on the right substrate surface of 7 relays in the middle.


For the time being, I can only clean the bad points …

Polished and recovered with a file. The one on the board was also beautiful, but is it OK?

I was thinking of applying silicon ris to the rubber packing, but when I looked it, it was a pretty complicated cross section. It doesn’t look like silicone rubber. I wiped it beautifully and closed the lid.

By the way, it is wasteful to put it in the store as it is, so I will make some antenna and continue to be active. Anyway, there is nothing else to do in the summer vacation of stay home.


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