=Semi-Automation of 2 elements cross-yagi =
Most of the materials for the antenna can be found at hardware stores in the neiborhood. Should the antenna boom be shared between 145MHz and 435MHz? The fixed vertical beam I made before was shared, with 435MHz on top and 145MHz on the bottom (making it look a bit like a Christmas tree), but this time the assembly is a bit complicated so I’ll separate them and bundle them together.
Now that this antenna is set inclined, it’s no longer in the “TURNSTILE” shape. In my mind, I had the image of a “2-element turnstile to complement a GP antenna, then rotating that”, but I think from now on it should be called a “2-element cross Yagi”, which is a similar design.
The 2-element cross yagi now looks like a 435MHz cross yagi sitting on top of a 145MHz cross yagi. Not only is it heavy, but the idea is to turn the antenna with a weak kitchen timer, so I wanted to make the rotational moment as small as possible. If the eccentricity is too large, the timer will lose.
How do I get the chicken to carry this antenna? This was also a bit of a challenge. At first I thought about making a single boom that would go from the chicken’s chest to its butt, but I thought the resulting antenna would be a bit too surreal….. so I posed it with the back of its neck doing barbell squats and reinforced it by fastening it with a screw behind the wings. This makes it easier to replace when needed.
(to be continued)
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