I prepared some YouTube videos with simple Morse code sound.
When I demonstrate the vibration adapter to them somewhere, I will need some Morse sound sourse.
The subtitles are intended for deaf-blind people with low vision. Is it possible to create an Internet site for deaf-blind people? If so, what format would be appropriate? To be honest, I’m doing this without knowing such basic questions.
Even if we use the term “deaf-blind” to generalize, the means of communication vary depending on one’s background and the degree of blindness. Not every deaf-blind people has Braille literacy. And even if they understand Braille, sending and receiving it requires data communication of five or six units. However, with Morse code, if you put audio on a video distribution site like this, you can send it via simple series of touch. I feel the potential there. (However, the problem of how to get to this site still remains for deaf-blind people…)
[Morse code for the deaf-blind/ alphabet and numbers]
[Morse code for the deaf-blind/ Japanese characters]
A black background of the video is for people with weak eyesight.